Write for Us

At World CBD Reviews, we believe in the power of community and the diverse perspectives that make the CBD and vaping world so fascinating. We invite you to become a part of our community by contributing your unique insights, experiences, and expertise to our growing platform.

Why Write for World CBD Reviews?

Be a Thought Leader

Share your knowledge and become a thought leader in the CBD and vaping community. Your unique perspective can help others navigate the complexities of CBD products, vaping trends, and holistic wellness.

Connect with a Diverse Audience

World CBD Reviews attracts a diverse audience of CBD enthusiasts, wellness seekers, and those curious about the latest trends in vaping. Your articles will reach a broad and engaged readership.

Showcase Your Expertise

Whether you’re an experienced CBD user, a wellness expert, or a passionate advocate for vaping, World CBD Reviews provides a platform to showcase your expertise and contribute to the collective knowledge of our community.

What We’re Looking For

CBD Insights

Share in-depth articles on the benefits of CBD, emerging research, and the different forms of CBD products available in the market.

Vaping Trends

Stay ahead of the curve by exploring the latest vaping trends, innovations, and best practices in the vaping community.

Personal Experiences

Share your personal journey with CBD or vaping, including success stories, challenges, and lessons learned. Your experiences can inspire and resonate with our readers.

Wellness Tips

Provide practical tips and advice on incorporating CBD into a holistic wellness routine or share insights on how vaping fits into a balanced lifestyle.

Submission Guidelines


All submissions must be original content not published elsewhere.


Articles should be between 800 to 1500 words.


Please use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points for easy readability.


If you include scientific studies or references, please provide proper citations.


Include relevant images with proper attribution.

How to Submit

Send your article in a Word document to [[email protected]] with the subject line “World CBD Reviews Submission – [Your Topic].” Please include a brief author bio and a high-resolution headshot.

Editorial Process

Our editorial team will review your submission for relevance, originality, and adherence to guidelines. We may make minor edits for clarity and SEO optimization. Once approved, your article will be scheduled for publication.